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The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+2xy^'-2ny=0, (1) whose solutions may be written either y=Aerfc_n(x)+Berfc_n(-x), (2) where erfc_n(x) is the repeated ...
The "imaginary error function" erfi(z) is an entire function defined by erfi(z)=-ierf(iz), (1) where erf(z) is the erf function. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
An endomorphism is called ergodic if it is true that T^(-1)A=A implies m(A)=0 or 1, where T^(-1)A={x in X:T(x) in A}. Examples of ergodic endomorphisms include the map X->2x ...
Ergodic theory can be described as the statistical and qualitative behavior of measurable group and semigroup actions on measure spaces. The group is most commonly N, R, R-+, ...
A transformation which has only trivial invariant subsets is said to be ergodic.
Given a Poisson distribution with a rate of change lambda, the distribution function D(x) giving the waiting times until the hth Poisson event is D(x) = ...
A program initiated by F. Klein in an 1872 lecture to describe geometric structures in terms of their automorphism groups.
The series sumf(n) for a monotonic nonincreasing f(x) is convergent if lim_(x->infty)^_(e^xf(e^x))/(f(x))<1 and divergent if lim_(x->infty)__(e^xf(e^x))/(f(x))>1.
The partial differential equation R[u](u_(rr)+(u_r)/r+u_(zz))=u_r^2+u_z^2, where R[u] is the real part of u (Calogero and Degasperis 1982, p. 62; Zwillinger 1997, p. 131).
The Errera graph is the 17-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's supposed proof ...
