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The ring of integers is the set of integers ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., which form a ring. This ring is commonly denoted Z (doublestruck Z), or sometimes I (doublestruck I). ...
A ringoid is a set R with two binary operators, conventionally denoted addition (+) and multiplication (×), where × distributes over + left and right: a(b+c)=ab+ac and ...
The Risch algorithm is a decision procedure for indefinite integration that determines whether a given integral is elementary, and if so, returns a closed-form result for the ...
The rising factorial x^((n)), sometimes also denoted <x>_n (Comtet 1974, p. 6) or x^(n^_) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 48), is defined by x^((n))=x(x+1)...(x+n-1). (1) This ...
The rising sun graph is the graph on 7 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["RisingSunGraph"].
Euclidean n-space is denoted R^n.
In the directed graph above, pick any vertex and follow the arrows in sequence blue-red-red three times. You will finish at the green vertex. Similarly, follow the sequence ...
A stochastic approximation method that functions by placing conditions on iterative step sizes and whose convergence is guaranteed under mild conditions. However, the method ...
Building on work of Huntington (1933ab), Robbins conjectured that the equations for a Robbins algebra, commutativity, associativity, and the Robbins axiom !(!(x v y) v !(x v ...
The logical axiom R(x,y)=!(!(x v y) v !(x v !y))=x, where !x denotes NOT and x v y denotes OR, that, when taken together with associativity and commutativity, is equivalent ...
