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Find two distinct sets of integers {a_1,...,a_n} and {b_1,...,b_n}, such that for k=1, ..., m, sum_(i=1)^na_i^k=sum_(i=1)^nb_i^k. (1) The Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem is ...
1. Find a complete system of invariants, or 2. Decide when two metrics differ only by a coordinate transformation. The most common statement of the problem is, "Given metrics ...
The complementary subspace problem asks, in general, which closed subspaces of a Banach space are complemented (Johnson and Lindenstrauss 2001). Phillips (1940) proved that ...
Also called the ménage problem. In how many ways can n married couples be seated around a circular table in such a manner than there is always one man between two women and ...
The problem of packing a set of items into a number of bins such that the total weight, volume, etc. does not exceed some maximum value. A simple algorithm (the first-fit ...
Find the shape of a soap film (i.e., minimal surface) which will fill two inverted conical funnels facing each other is known as Sinclair's soap film problem (Bliss 1925, p. ...
Let X be an arbitrary topological space. Denote the set closure of a subset A of X by A^- and the complement of A by A^'. Then at most 14 different sets can be derived from A ...
Sylvester's four-point problem asks for the probability q(R) that four points chosen at random in a planar region R have a convex hull which is a quadrilateral (Sylvester ...
The Buffon-Laplace needle problem asks to find the probability P(l,a,b) that a needle of length l will land on at least one line, given a floor with a grid of equally spaced ...
An unsolved problem in mathematics attributed to Lehmer (1933) that concerns the minimum Mahler measure M_1(P) for a univariate polynomial P(x) that is not a product of ...
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