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A prime ideal is an ideal I such that if ab in I, then either a in I or b in I. For example, in the integers, the ideal a=<p> (i.e., the multiples of p) is prime whenever p ...
The pseudosquare L_p modulo the odd prime p is the least nonsquare positive integer that is congruent to 1 (mod 8) and for which the Legendre symbol (L_p/q)=1 for all odd ...
In the 1980s, Samuel Yates defined a titanic prime to be a prime number of at least 1000 decimal digits. The smallest titanic prime is 10^(999)+7. As of 1990, more than 1400 ...
The term limit comes about relative to a number of topics from several different branches of mathematics. A sequence x_1,x_2,... of elements in a topological space X is said ...
The probability P(a,n) that n random arcs of angular size a cover the circumference of a circle completely (for a circle with unit circumference) is ...
There are several regular mathematics competitions available to students. The International Mathematical Olympiad is perhaps the largest, while the William Lowell Putnam ...
A number is said to be pandigital if it contains each of the digits from 0 to 9 (and whose leading digit must be nonzero). However, "zeroless" pandigital quantities contain ...
A square pyramid is a pyramid with a square base. It is a pentahedron. The lateral edge length e and slant height s of a right square pyramid of side length a and height h ...
A normal distribution in a variate X with mean mu and variance sigma^2 is a statistic distribution with probability density function ...
It is thought that the totient valence function N_phi(m)>=2, i.e., if there is an n such that phi(n)=m, then there are at least two solutions n. This assertion is called ...
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