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A dimension also called the fractal dimension, Hausdorff dimension, and Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension in which nonintegral values are permitted. Objects whose capacity ...
A quartic curve that resembles the symbol for the zodiacal sign Capricorn given by the implicit equation a^2x^2(x^2+y^2)-b(ay-x^2-y^2)^2=0, where a>0, b>a^2. The curve ...
A capsule is a term coined here for a stadium of revolution, i.e., a cylinder with two hemispherical caps on either end. The capsule is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A function f is Carathéodory differentiable at a if there exists a function phi which is continuous at a such that f(x)-f(a)=phi(x)(x-a). Every function which is Carathéodory ...
Let S be a collection of subsets of a set X, mu:S->[0,infty] a set function, and mu^* the outer measure induced by mu. The measure mu^_ that is the restriction of mu^* to the ...
Each point in the convex hull of a set S in R^n is in the convex combination of n+1 or fewer points of S.
If Omega_1 and Omega_2 are bounded domains, partialOmega_1, partialOmega_2 are Jordan curves, and phi:Omega_1->Omega_2 is a conformal mapping, then phi (respectively, ...
Let A and B be any sets with empty intersection, and let |X| denote the cardinal number of a set X. Then |A|+|B|=|A union B| (Ciesielski 1997, p. 68; Dauben 1990, p. 173; ...
For any sets A and B, their cardinal numbers satisfy |A|<=|B| iff there is a one-to-one function f from A into B (Rubin 1967, p. 266; Suppes 1972, pp. 94 and 116). It is easy ...
Let A and B be any sets, and let |X| be the cardinal number of a set X. Then cardinal exponentiation is defined by |A|^(|B|)=|set of all functions from B into A| (Ciesielski ...
