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The Jerabek hyperbola is a circumconic that is the isogonal conjugate of the Euler line (Kimberling 1998, p. 237). Since it is a circumconic passing through the orthocenter, ...
In the IEEE 754-2008 standard (referred to as IEEE 754 henceforth), a signaling NaN or sNaN is a NaN which is signaling in the sense of being most commonly returned in ...
A typesetting symbol which has several distinct meanings in mathematics. It is used for a number of purposes. 1. To denote Boundaries between elements in a list, as in ...
A topology is given by a collection of subsets of a topological space X. The smallest topology has two open sets, the empty set emptyset and X. The largest topology contains ...
An n-dimensional open ball of radius r is the collection of points of distance less than r from a fixed point in Euclidean n-space. Explicitly, the open ball with center x ...
An n-dimensional open disk of radius r is the collection of points of distance less than r from a fixed point in Euclidean n-space. Krantz (1999, p. 3) uses the symbol D(x,r) ...
The power of a fixed point A with respect to a circle of radius r and center O is defined by the product p=AP×AQ, (1) where P and Q are the intersections of a line through A ...
In the plane, the reflection property can be stated as three theorems (Ogilvy 1990, pp. 73-77): 1. The locus of the center of a variable circle, tangent to a fixed circle and ...
Let a Gram point g_n be called "good" if (-1)^nZ(g_n)>0, and "bad" otherwise (Rosser et al. 1969; Edwards 2001, p. 180). Then the interval between two consecutive good Gram ...
There does not exist an everywhere nonzero tangent vector field on the 2-sphere S^2. This implies that somewhere on the surface of the Earth, there is a point with zero ...
