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A bounded plane convex region symmetric about a lattice point and with area >4 must contain at least three lattice points in the interior. In n dimensions, the theorem can be ...
An example of a subspace of the Euclidean plane that is connected but not pathwise-connected with respect to the relative topology. It is formed by the ray y=0, x<=0 and the ...
Lockwood (1957) terms the ellipse negative pedal curve with pedal point at the focus "Burleigh's oval" in honor of his student M. J. Burleigh, who first drew his attention to ...
A stationary point process X is said to drive a model of continuum percolation theory if one of the characterizing axioms of the model hinges on the existence of X. In this ...
The meeting point of lines that connect corresponding points from homothetic figures. In the above figure, O is the homothetic center of the homothetic figures ABCDE and ...
Sphere line picking is the selection of pairs of points corresponding to vertices of a line segment with endpoints on the surface of a sphere. n random line segments can be ...
In the IEEE 754-2008 standard (referred to as IEEE 754 henceforth), a quiet NaN or qNaN is a NaN which is quiet in the sense of rarely signaling a floating-point exception. ...
A connected graph is graph that is connected in the sense of a topological space, i.e., there is a path from any point to any other point in the graph. A graph that is not ...
There are three theorems related to pedal circles that go under the collective title of the Fontené theorems. The first Fontené theorem lets DeltaABC be a triangle and P an ...
If an n-sided Poncelet transverse constructed for two given conic sections is closed for one point of origin, it is closed for any position of the point of origin. ...
