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The general curve of a system which is linearly dependent on a certain number of given irreducible curves will not have a singular point which is not fixed for all the curves ...
Two curves which, at any point, have a common principal normal vector are called Bertrand curves. The product of the torsions of Bertrand curves is a constant.
If P(x) is an irreducible cubic polynomial all of whose roots are real, then to obtain them by radicals, you must take roots of nonreal numbers at some point.
The pedal curve of the cissoid, when the pedal point is on the axis beyond the asymptote at a distance from the cusp which is four times that of the asymptote is a cardioid.
The four medians of a tetrahedron concur in a point which divides each tetrahedron median in the ratio 1:3, the longer segment being on the side of the vertex of the ...
The dihedral group D_2 is a point group that is isomorphic to the vierergruppe and the finite group C_2×C_2.
Given a vector bundle pi:E->M, its dual bundle is a vector bundle pi^*:E^*->M. The fiber bundle of E^* over a point p in M is the dual vector space to the fiber of E.
A sequence {a_1,a_2,a_3,...} fulfils a given property eventually if it fulfils it from some point onward, or, more precisely, if the property is fulfilled by the subsequence ...
Fatou dust is a Fatou set for a point outside the underlying set. Such a set has zero area and has an infinite number of disconnected components.
The abscissas of the N-point Gaussian quadrature formula are precisely the roots of the orthogonal polynomial for the same interval and weighting function.
