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The first corona of a tile is the set of all tiles that have a common boundary point with that tile (including the original tile itself). The second corona is the set of ...
The eccentric angle of a point on an ellipse with semimajor axes of length a and semiminor axes of length b is the angle t in the parametrization x = acost (1) y = bsint, (2) ...
The real projective plane with elliptic metric where the distance between two points P and Q is defined as the radian angle between the projection of the points on the ...
Pick a point O in the interior of a quadrilateral which is not a parallelogram. Join this point to each of the four vertices, then the locus of points O for which the sum of ...
Given a pair of orthologic triangles, the point where the perpendiculars from the vertices of the first to the sides of the second concur and the point where the ...
There are several definitions of a ray. When viewed as a vector, a ray is a vector AB^-> from a point A to a point B. In geometry, a ray is usually taken as a half-infinite ...
If two algebraic plane curves with only ordinary singular points and cusps are related such that the coordinates of a point on either are rational functions of a ...
Given the incircle and circumcircle of a bicentric polygon of n sides, the centroid of the tangent points on the incircle is a fixed point W, known as the Weill point, ...
The latitude of a point on a sphere is the elevation of the point from the plane of the equator. The latitude delta is related to the colatitude (the polar angle in spherical ...
Let a circle C_1 lie inside another circle C_2. From any point on C_2, draw a tangent to C_1 and extend it to C_2. From the point, draw another tangent, etc. For n tangents, ...
