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1821 - 1830 of 2332 for pascal pointSearch Results
A square matrix A such that the matrix power A^(k+1)=A for k a positive integer is called a periodic matrix. If k is the least such integer, then the matrix is said to have ...
A sequence {a_i} is said to be periodic with period p with if it satisfies a_i=a_(i+np) for n=1, 2, .... For example, {1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,...} is a periodic sequence ...
The use of permil (a.k.a. parts per thousand) is a way of expressing ratios in terms of whole numbers. Given a ratio or fraction, it is converted to a permil-age by ...
A nonsimply connected 3-manifold, also called a dodecahedral space.
"Poincaré transformation" is the name sometimes (e.g., Misner et al. 1973, p. 68) given to what other authors (e.g., Weinberg 1972, p. 26) term an inhomogeneous Lorentz ...
The contravariant four-vector arising in special and general relativity, x^mu=[x^0; x^1; x^2; x^3]=[ct; x; y; z], (1) where c is the speed of light and t is time. ...
The curve with trilinear coordinates a^t:b^t:c^t for a given power t.
The present value v_n of a single payment made at n periods in the future is v_n=p/((1+r)^n), (1) where n is the number of periods until payment, p is the payment amount, and ...
The partial differential equation u_(tt)-u_(xx)=epsilon(u_t-u_t^3).
The ratio of the absolute frequency to the total number of data points in a frequency distribution.
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