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1761 - 1770 of 2332 for pascal pointSearch Results

A set of points which do not lie on any of a certain class of hyperplanes.
The matrix operations of 1. Interchanging two rows or columns, 2. Adding a multiple of one row or column to another, 3. Multiplying any row or column by a nonzero element.
An endogenous variable is an economic variable that is related to other economic variables and determines their equilibrium levels.
A curve in two dimensions on which the value of a function f(x,y) is a constant. Other synonymous terms are isarithm, isopleth, and contour line. A plot of several ...
The partial differential equation u_(xy)+(alphau_x-betau_y)/(x-y)=0.
An exmedian is a parallel to a side of a triangle through the opposite vertex. So in the above diagram, A_2^'A_3^' is the exmedian of side A_2A_3, and so on. The pairwise ...
An exogenous variable is an economic variable which is independent of the relationships determining the equilibrium levels, but nonetheless affects the equilibrium.
An exponential generating function for the integer sequence a_0, a_1, ... is a function E(x) such that E(x) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)a_k(x^k)/(k!) (1) = ...
A set which contains a nonnegative integral number of elements is said to be finite. A set which is not finite is said to be infinite. A finite or countably infinite set is ...
A game in which each player has a finite number of moves and a finite number of choices at each move.
