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The triangle DeltaA^*B^*C^* obtained by reflecting the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaABC about the opposite sides is called the reflection triangle (Grinberg 2003). ...
Given two circles with one interior to the other, if small tangent circles can be inscribed around the region between the two circles such that the final circle is tangent to ...
Given a function f(x)=f_0(x), write f_1=f^'(x) and define the Sturm functions by f_n(x)=-{f_(n-2)(x)-f_(n-1)(x)[(f_(n-2)(x))/(f_(n-1)(x))]}, (1) where [P(x)/Q(x)] is a ...
The area Delta (sometimes also denoted sigma) of a triangle DeltaABC with side lengths a, b, c and corresponding angles A, B, and C is given by Delta = 1/2bcsinA (1) = ...
There are two types of squares inscribing reference triangle DeltaABC in the sense that all vertices lie on the sidelines of ABC. The first type has two adjacent vertices of ...
17 is a Fermat prime, which means that the 17-sided regular polygon (the heptadecagon) is constructible using compass and straightedge (as proved by Gauss).
The degree to which a given quantity is correct and free from error. For example, a quantity specified as 100+/-1 has an (absolute) accuracy of +/-1 (meaning its true value ...
A term in logic meaning pertaining to truth and falsehood.
Alpha is the name for the first letter in the Greek alphabet: alpha. In finance, alpha is a financial measure giving the difference between a fund's actual return and its ...
An angle bracket is the combination of a bra and ket (bra+ket = bracket) which represents the inner product of two functions or vectors (or 1-forms), <f|g>=intf(x)g^|(x)dx in ...
