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A function has compact support if it is zero outside of a compact set. Alternatively, one can say that a function has compact support if its support is a compact set. For ...
A compactum (plural: compacta) is a compact metric space. An example of a compactum is any finite discrete metric space. Also, the space [0,1] union [2,3] is a compactum, ...
A complete metric space is a metric space in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent. Examples include the real numbers with the usual metric, the complex numbers, ...
A space of functions comprising a complete biorthogonal system.
A set in R^d is concave if it does not contain all the line segments connecting any pair of its points. If the set does contain all the line segments, it is called convex.
A set X is called a "cone" with vertex at the origin if for any x in X and any scalar a>=0, ax in X.
A continuous map is a continuous function between two topological spaces. In some fields of mathematics, the term "function" is reserved for functions which are into the real ...
A set X is a called a "convex cone" if for any x,y in X and any scalars a>=0 and b>=0, ax+by in X.
A set S in a vector space over R is called a convex set if the line segment joining any pair of points of S lies entirely in S.
Suppose that X^~,X are arcwise-connected and locally arcwise-connected topological spaces. Then (X^~,p) is said to be a covering space of X if p:X^~->X is a surjective ...
