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The EKG sequence is the integer sequence having 1 as its first term, 2 as its second, and with each succeeding term being the smallest number not already used that shares a ...
A (p,q)-graph is edge-graceful if the edges can be labeled 1 through q in such a way that the labels induced on the vertices by summing over incident edges modulo p are ...
Let c_k be the number of edge covers of a graph G of size k. Then the edge cover polynomial E_G(x) is defined by E_G(x)=sum_(k=0)^mc_kx^k, (1) where m is the edge count of G ...
If a complex function is analytic at all finite points of the complex plane C, then it is said to be entire, sometimes also called "integral" (Knopp 1996, p. 112). Any ...
Eternity is a puzzle devised by Christopher Monckton and consisting of 209 pieces, each of which is a 12-polydrafter (i.e., a compound of 30-60-90 triangles). The puzzle was ...
The Euler triangle of a triangle DeltaABC is the triangle DeltaE_AE_BE_C whose vertices are the midpoints of the segments joining the orthocenter H with the respective ...
Fisher's exact test is a statistical test used to determine if there are nonrandom associations between two categorical variables. Let there exist two such variables X and Y, ...
Let C^*(u) denote the number of nowhere-zero u-flows on a connected graph G with vertex count n, edge count m, and connected component count c. This quantity is called the ...
Consider the Euclid numbers defined by E_k=1+p_k#, where p_k is the kth prime and p# is the primorial. The first few values of E_k are 3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511, ... ...
In his monumental treatise Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, Gauss conjectured that the class number h(-d) of an imaginary quadratic field with binary quadratic form discriminant ...
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