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An encoding is a way of representing a number or expression in terms of another (usually simpler) one. However, multiple expressions can also be encoded as a single ...
Division by zero is the operation of taking the quotient of any number x and 0, i.e., x/0. The uniqueness of division breaks down when dividing by zero, since the product ...
The unique even prime number 2. All other primes are odd primes. Humorously, that means 2 is the "oddest" prime of all. The sequence 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 22, 26, 34, 38, ... ...
There are several results known as the Morgado identity. The first is (1) where F_n is a Fibonacci number and L_n is a Lucas number (Morgado 1987, Dujella 1995). A second ...
The heptanacci constant is the limiting ratio of adjacent heptanacci numbers. It is the algebraic number P = (x^7-x^6-x^5-x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_1 (1) = 1.99196419660... (2) (OEIS ...
The hexanacci constant is the limiting ratio of adjacent hexanacci numbers. It is the algebraic number P = (x^6-x^5-x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_2 (1) = 1.98358284342... (2) (OEIS ...
The pentanacci constant is the limiting ratio of adjacent pentanacci numbers. It is the algebraic number P = (x^5-x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_1 (1) = 1.96594823... (2) (OEIS A103814), ...
The word "rank" refers to several related concepts in mathematics involving graphs, groups, matrices, quadratic forms, sequences, set theory, statistics, and tensors. In ...
A repeating decimal, also called a recurring decimal, is a number whose decimal representation eventually becomes periodic (i.e., the same sequence of digits repeats ...
Every irrational number x has an approximation constant c(x) defined by c(x)=lim inf_(q->infty)q|qx-p|, where p=nint(qx) is the nearest integer to qx and lim inf is the ...
