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The condition for isoenergetic nondegeneracy for a Hamiltonian H=H_0(I)+epsilonH_1(I,theta) is |(partial^2H_0)/(partialI_ipartialI_j) (partialH_0)/(partialI_i); ...
The isogonal transform of a geometric object is the object obtained by collectively taking the isogonal conjugates of all its points.
The substitution of re^(itheta) for z in a polynomial p(z). p(z) is then plotted as a function of theta for a given r in the complex plane. By varying r so that the curve ...
Let a plane figure have area A and perimeter p. Then Q=(4piA)/(p^2)<=1, where Q is known as the isoperimetric quotient. The equation becomes an equality only for a circle.
Of all convex n-gons of a given perimeter, the one which maximizes area is the regular n-gon.
An isosceles trapezoid (called an isosceles trapezium by the British; Bronshtein and Semendyayev 1997, p. 174) is trapezoid in which the base angles are equal and therefore ...
A parameterization is isothermal if, for zeta=u+iv and phi_k(zeta)=(partialx_k)/(partialu)-i(partialx_k)/(partialv), the identity phi_1^2(zeta)+phi_2^2(zeta)+phi_3^2(zeta)=0 ...
Given a point P in the interior of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3, draw the cevians through P from each polygon vertex which meet the opposite sides at P_1, P_2, and P_3. Now, ...
The isotomic transform of a geometric object is the object obtained by collectively taking the isotomic conjugates of all its points.
A homotopy from one embedding of a manifold M in N to another such that at every time, it is an embedding. The notion of isotopy is category independent, so notions of ...
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