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12111 - 12120 of 13135 for number theorySearch Results
An antimagic square is an n×n array of integers from 1 to n^2 such that each row, column, and main diagonal produces a different sum such that these sums form a sequence of ...
Barycentric coordinates are triples of numbers (t_1,t_2,t_3) corresponding to masses placed at the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3. These masses then ...
The Buffon-Laplace needle problem asks to find the probability P(l,a,b) that a needle of length l will land on at least one line, given a floor with a grid of equally spaced ...
The café wall illusion, sometimes also called the Münsterberg illusion (Ashton Raggatt McDougall 2006), is an optical illusion produced by a black and white rectangular ...
It is always possible to "fairly" divide a cake among n people using only vertical cuts. Furthermore, it is possible to cut and divide a cake such that each person believes ...
Construct a square equal in area to a circle using only a straightedge and compass. This was one of the three geometric problems of antiquity, and was perhaps first attempted ...
The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is a radius of the circle inside which the polygon can be inscribed. Similarly, the circumradius of a polyhedron is the radius of a ...
In general, the word "complement" refers to that subset F^' of some set S which excludes a given subset F. Taking F and its complement F^' together then gives the whole of ...
In the biconjugate gradient method, the residual vector r^((i)) can be regarded as the product of r^((0)) and an ith degree polynomial in A, i.e., r^((i))=P_i(A)r^((0)). (1) ...
Connect-Four is a tic-tac-toe-like two-player game in which players alternately place pieces on a vertical board 7 columns across and 6 rows high. Each player uses pieces of ...
