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A smooth map f:S^1->R^3 whose image has singularities. In particular, in the theory of Vassiliev's knot invariants, singular knots with a finite number of ordinary double ...
A cubefree word contains no cubed words as subwords. The number of binary cubefree words of length n=1, 2, ... are 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 24, 36, 56, 80, 118, ... (OEIS A028445). ...
The number obtained by adding the reciprocals of the odd twin primes, B=(1/3+1/5)+(1/5+1/7)+(1/(11)+1/(13))+(1/(17)+1/(19))+.... (1) By Brun's theorem, the series converges ...
Let O be an order of an imaginary quadratic field. The class equation of O is the equation H_O=0, where H_O is the extension field minimal polynomial of j(O) over Q, with ...
There are several related theorems involving Hamiltonian cycles of graphs that are associated with Pósa. Let G be a simple graph with n graph vertices. 1. If, for every k in ...
A simple way to describe a knot projection. The advantage of this notation is that it enables a knot diagram to be drawn quickly. For an oriented alternating knot with n ...
A minimum vertex cover is a vertex cover having the smallest possible number of vertices for a given graph. The size of a minimum vertex cover of a graph G is known as the ...
There appears to be no term in standard use for a graph with graph crossing number 1. Furthermore, the terms "almost planar" and "1-planar" are used in the literature for ...
A set A of integers is productive if there exists a partial recursive function f such that, for any x, the following holds: If the domain of phi_x is a subset of A, then f(x) ...
Let gamma(G) denote the domination number of a simple graph G. Then Vizing (1963) conjectured that gamma(G)gamma(H)<=gamma(G×H), where G×H is the graph product. While the ...
