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Rényi's polynomial is the polynomial (Rényi 1947, Coppersmith and Davenport 1991) that has 29 terms and whose square has 28, making it a sparse polynomial square.
In a local ring R, there is only one maximal ideal m. Hence, R has only one quotient ring R/m which is a field. This field is called the residue field.
A method for predicting the onset of widespread chaos.
The method for solving the Goursat problem and Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using a Riemann function.
Let f:D(z_0,r)\{z_0}->C be analytic and bounded on a punctured open disk D(z_0,r), then lim_(z->z_0)f(z) exists, and the function defined by f^~:D(z_0,r)->C f^~(z)={f(z) for ...
A circular cone the centers of whose sections form a line perpendicular to the bases. When used without qualification, the term "cone" often refers to a right circular cone.
A proof or demonstration is said to be rigorous if the validity of each step and the connections between the steps is explicitly made clear in such a way that the result ...
The direct product of the rings R_gamma, for gamma some index set I, is the set product_(gamma in I)R_gamma={f:I-> union _(gamma in I)R_gamma|f(gamma) in R_gamma all gamma in ...
An estimation technique which is insensitive to small departures from the idealized assumptions which have been used to optimize the algorithm. Classes of such techniques ...
A local-ringed space which is locally isomorphic to an affine scheme.
