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The use of three prior points in a root-finding algorithm to estimate the zero crossing.
A linear transformation of period two. Since a linear transformation has the form, lambda^'=(alphalambda+beta)/(gammalambda+delta), (1) applying the transformation a second ...
Two groups are isomorphic if the correspondence between them is one-to-one and the "multiplication" table is preserved. For example, the point groups C_2 and D_1 are ...
The dimension d of any irreducible representation of a group G must be a divisor of the index of each maximal normal Abelian subgroup of G. Note that while Itô's theorem was ...
The Jacobian of a linear net of curves of order n is a curve of order 3(n-1). It passes through all points common to all curves of the net. It is the locus of points where ...
A special ideal in a commutative ring R. The Jacobson radical is the intersection of the maximal ideals in R. It could be the zero ideal, as in the case of the integers.
The symbol defined by c^(a/b) = c(c+b)(c+2b)...[c+(a-1)b] (1) = b^a(c/b)_a (2) = (b^aGamma(a+c/b))/(Gamma(c/b)), (3) where (a)_n is the Pochhammer symbol and Gamma(z) is the ...
The recurrence relation (n-1)A_(n+1)=(n^2-1)A_n+(n+1)A_(n-1)+4(-1)^n valid for n=4, 5, ... with A(2)=0 and A(3)=1 and which solves the married couples problem (Dörrie 1965, ...
A root-finding algorithm also called Bailey's method and Hutton's method. For a function of the form g(x)=x^d-r, Lambert's method gives an iteration function ...
The Lebesgue identity is the algebraic identity (Nagell 1951, pp. 194-195).
