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A labeling phi of (the vertices) of a graph G with positive integers taken from the set {1,2,...,r} is said to be r-distinguishing if no graph automorphism of G preserves all ...
The exterior derivative of a function f is the one-form df=sum_(i)(partialf)/(partialx_i)dx_i (1) written in a coordinate chart (x_1,...,x_n). Thinking of a function as a ...
A graph with a finite number of nodes and edges. If it has n nodes and has no multiple edges or graph loops (i.e., it is simple), it is a subgraph of the complete graph K_n. ...
A graph is said to be H^*-connected if it is either Hamilton-connected or Hamilton-laceable. S. Wagon (pers. comm., May. 20, 2013; Dupuis and Wagon 2014) conjecture that all ...
A two-dimensional generalization of the Haar transform which is used for the compression of astronomical images. The algorithm consists of dividing the 2^N×2^N image into ...
A line graph L(G) (also called an adjoint, conjugate, covering, derivative, derived, edge, edge-to-vertex dual, interchange, representative, or theta-obrazom graph) of a ...
There are no fewer than three distinct notions of the term local C^*-algebra used throughout functional analysis. A normed algebra A=(A,|·|_A) is said to be a local ...
The mean distance of a (connected) graph is the mean of the elements of its graph distance matrix. Closed forms for some classes of named graphs are given in the following ...
Call a graph vertex m(a,b,c) a median of a graph G if it lies on all shortest paths between each pair of vertices (a,b), (b,a), and (c,a) in G. A median graph is then defined ...
The set of all lines through a point. The term was first used by Desargues (Cremona 1960, p. x). The six angles of any pencils of four rays O{ABCD} are connected by the ...
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