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Draw the perpendicular line from the intersection of the two small semicircles in the arbelos. The two circles C_1 and C_2 tangent to this line, the large semicircle, and ...
Enclose a sphere in a cylinder and cut out a spherical segment by slicing twice perpendicularly to the cylinder's axis. Then the lateral surface area of the spherical segment ...
Let M be the midpoint of the arc AMB. Pick C at random and pick D such that MD_|_AC (where _|_ denotes perpendicular). Then AD=DC+BC.
Cut a sphere by a plane in such a way that the volumes of the spherical segments have a given ratio.
Let a_n and b_n be the perimeters of the circumscribed and inscribed n-gon and a_(2n) and b_(2n) the perimeters of the circumscribed and inscribed 2n-gon. Then a_(2n) = ...
Archimedes' spiral is an Archimedean spiral with polar equation r=atheta. (1) This spiral was studied by Conon, and later by Archimedes in On Spirals about 225 BC. Archimedes ...
Taking the origin as the inversion center, Archimedes' spiral r=atheta inverts to the hyperbolic spiral r=a/theta.
Many authors (e.g., Mendelson 1963; Pervin 1964) use the term arcwise-connected as a synonym for pathwise-connected. Other authors (e.g., Armstrong 1983; Cullen 1968; and ...
A map F from R^n to R^n is area-preserving if m(F^(-1)(A))=m(A) for every subregion A of R^n, where m(A) is the n-dimensional measure of A. A linear transformation is ...
The area of a surface or lamina is the amount of material needed to "cover" it completely. The area of a surface or collection of surfaces bounding a solid is called, not ...
