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A unitary perfect number is a number n which is the sum of its unitary divisors with the exception of n itself. There are no odd unitary perfect numbers, and it has been ...
Sociable numbers computed using the analog of the restricted divisor function s^*(n) in which only unitary divisors are included.
A transformation of the form A^'=UAU^(H), where U^(H) denotes the conjugate transpose.
Let A be a C^*-algebra having no unit. Then A^~=A direct sum C as a vector spaces together with 1. (a,lambda)+(b,mu)=(a+b,lambda+mu). 2. mu(a,lambda)=(mua,mulambda). 3. ...
The number 1. There are n nth roots of unity, known as the de Moivre numbers.
Capable of taking on exactly one possible value.
A function or transformation f in which f(z) does not overlap z. In modular function theory, a function is called univalent on a subgroup G if it is automorphic under G and ...
Involving one variable, as opposed to two (bivariate) or many (multivariate).
A function of a single variable (e.g., f(x), g(z), theta(xi), etc.).
A polynomial in a single variable, e.g., P(x)=a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0, as opposed to a multivariate polynomial.
