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Informally, a symplectic map is a map which preserves the sum of areas projected onto the set of (p_i,q_i) planes. It is the generalization of an area-preserving map. ...
A real-linear vector space H equipped with a symplectic form s.
A surface on which the Gaussian curvature K is everywhere positive. When K is everywhere negative, a surface is called anticlastic. A point at which the Gaussian curvature is ...
Synergetics deals with systems composed of many subsystems which may each be of a very different nature. In particular, synergetics treats systems in which cooperation among ...
Synergetics coordinates are a set of triangular coordinates in their plane (or their generalization to tetrahedral coordinates in space, or the analogs in higher dimensions). ...
Synthetic division is a shortcut method for dividing two polynomials which can be used in place of the standard long division algorithm. This method reduces the dividend and ...
A system of equations is any set of simultaneous equations.
The problem of finding all independent irreducible algebraic relations among any finite set of quantics.
A technical mathematical object defined in terms of a polynomial ring of n variables over a field k. Syzygies occur in tensors at rank 5, 7, 8, and all higher ranks, and play ...
The Szekeres snark was the fifth snark discovered, illustrated above. It has 50 vertices and edge chromatic number 4.
