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A subring of a ring R is a subgroup of R that is closed under multiplication.
A quantity displayed below the normal line of text (and generally in a smaller point size), as the "i" in a_i, is called a subscript. Subscripts are commonly used to indicate ...
Giving a set F={f_1,f_2,...,f_n} of contracting similitudes of R^l, the closed set E is said to be subselfsimilar for F if E subset union _(i=1)^nf_i(E) (Falconer 1995, ...
A subsequence of {a} is a sequence {b} defined by b_k=a_(n_k), where n_1<n_2<... is an increasing sequence of indices (D'Angelo and West 2000). For example, the prime numbers ...
A subset is a portion of a set. B is a subset of A (written B subset= A) iff every member of B is a member of A. If B is a proper subset of A (i.e., a subset other than the ...
There are two problems commonly known as the subset sum problem. The first ("given sum problem") is the problem of finding what subset of a list of integers has a given sum, ...
Let V be a real vector space (e.g., the real continuous functions C(I) on a closed interval I, two-dimensional Euclidean space R^2, the twice differentiable real functions ...
A map which uses a set of rules to transform elements of a sequence into a new sequence using a set of rules which "translate" from the original sequence to its ...
In the triangle DeltaABC illustrated above, side c subtends angle ∠C. More generally, given a geometric object O in the plane and a point P, let A be the angle from one edge ...
Subtraction is the operation of taking the difference d=x-y of two numbers x and y. Here, x is called the minuend, y is called the subtrahend, and the symbol between the x ...
