Search Results for "multiplicationmagicsquare.html"
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Given three curves phi_1, phi_2, phi_3 with the common group of ordinary points G (which may be empty), let their remaining groups of intersections g_(23), g_(31), and g_(12) ...
A second-order ordinary differential equation d/(dx)[p(x)(dy)/(dx)]+[lambdaw(x)-q(x)]y=0, where lambda is a constant and w(x) is a known function called either the density or ...
The series of Sturm functions arising in application of the Sturm theorem.
Given a function f(x)=f_0(x), write f_1=f^'(x) and define the Sturm functions by f_n(x)=-{f_(n-2)(x)-f_(n-1)(x)[(f_(n-2)(x))/(f_(n-1)(x))]}, (1) where [P(x)/Q(x)] is a ...
The number of real roots of an algebraic equation with real coefficients whose real roots are simple over an interval, the endpoints of which are not roots, is equal to the ...
Let A_r=a_(ij) be a sequence of N symmetric matrices of increasing order with i,j=1, 2, ..., r and r=1, 2, ..., N. Let lambda_k(A_r) be the kth eigenvalue of A_r for k=1, 2, ...
If a sequence has the property that the block growth function B(n)=n+1 for all n, then it is said to have minimal block growth, and the sequence is called a Sturmian ...
An algebra S^' which is part of a large algebra S and shares its properties.
X subset= R^n is subanalytic if, for all x in R^n, there is an open set U and a bounded semianalytic set Y subset R^(n+m) such that X intersection U is the projection of Y ...
A collection of subsets of a topological space that is contained in a basis of the topology and can be completed to a basis when adding all finite intersections of the ...