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A n×n matrix A is an orthogonal matrix if AA^(T)=I, (1) where A^(T) is the transpose of A and I is the identity matrix. In particular, an orthogonal matrix is always ...
The Laplacian matrix, sometimes also called the admittance matrix (Cvetković et al. 1998, Babić et al. 2002) or Kirchhoff matrix, of a graph G, where G=(V,E) is an ...
A diagonal matrix D=diag(d_1,...,d_n) sometimes also called the valency matrix corresponding to a graph that has the vertex degree of d_i in the ith position (Skiena 1990, p. ...
A permutation matrix is a matrix obtained by permuting the rows of an n×n identity matrix according to some permutation of the numbers 1 to n. Every row and column therefore ...
A square matrix that is not singular, i.e., one that has a matrix inverse. Nonsingular matrices are sometimes also called regular matrices. A square matrix is nonsingular iff ...
The d-dimensional rigidity matrix M(G) of a graph G with vertex count n, edge count m in the variables v_i=(x_1,...,x_d) is the m×(dn) matrix with rows indexed by the edges ...
A matrix each of whose elements is a variate. These variates need not be independent, and if they are not, a correlation is said to exist between them.
A nonnegative matrix is a real or integer matrix (a)_(ij) for which each matrix element is a nonnegative number, i.e., a_(ij)>=0 for all i, j. Nonnegative matrices are ...
Scalar multiplication refers to the multiplication of a vector by a constant s, producing a vector in the same (for s>0) or opposite (for s<0) direction but of different ...
The Randić matrix A_(Randic) of a simple graph is a weighted adjacency matrix with weight f(d_i,d_j)=1/(sqrt(d_id_j)), (1) where d_i are the vertex degrees of the graph. In ...
