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1051 - 1060 of 1388 for matrix multiplicationSearch Results

One of the disjoint subsets making up a set partition. A block containing n elements is called an n-block. The partitioning of sets into blocks can be denoted using a ...
A transformation in which all points along a given line L remain fixed while other points are shifted parallel to L by a distance proportional to their perpendicular distance ...
The distance a point moves due to shear divided by the perpendicular distance of a point from the invariant line.
Two figures are homothetic if they are related by a dilation (a dilation is also known as a homothecy). This means that the connectors of corresponding points are concurrent ...
Slater (1960, p. 31) terms the identity _4F_3[a,1+1/2a,b,-n; 1/2a,1+a-b;1+a+n]=((1+a)_n(1/2+1/2a-b)_n)/((1/2+1/2a)_n(1+a-b)_n) for n a nonnegative integer the "_4F_3[1] ...
A 4-multiperfect number P_4. 36 sous-triples are known (30240, 32760, 2178540, 23569920, ...; OEIS A027687), and these are believed to comprise all sous-triples.
Let H be a Hilbert space, B(H) the set of bounded linear operators from H to itself, T an operator on H, and sigma(T) the operator spectrum of T. Then if T in B(H) and T is ...
The image on the Riemann sphere of any circle under a complex rational mapping with numerator and denominator having degrees no more than n has length no longer than 2npi.
A square grid is a grid formed by tiling the plane regularly with squares.
The exploration of three-dimensional space from two-dimensional sections of projections of solid bodies.
