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The Euler infinity point is the intersection of the Euler line and line at infinity. Since it lies on the line at infinity, it is a point at infinity. It has triangle center ...
The knots that make up a knot sum of a composite knot are known as factor knots (Adams 1994, p. 8).
The inverse of the Laplace transform F(t) = L^(-1)[f(s)] (1) = 1/(2pii)int_(gamma-iinfty)^(gamma+iinfty)e^(st)f(s)ds (2) f(s) = L[F(t)] (3) = int_0^inftyF(t)e^(-st)dt. (4)
A group acts freely if there are no group fixed points. A point which is fixed by every group element would not be free to move.
An affine transformation in which the scale is reduced.
The dual of the great dodecicosahedron and Wenninger dual W_(101).
The set of points of X fixed by a group action are called the group's set of fixed points, defined by {x:gx=x for all g in G}. In some cases, there may not be a group action, ...
Given F_1(x,y,z,u,v,w) = 0 (1) F_2(x,y,z,u,v,w) = 0 (2) F_3(x,y,z,u,v,w) = 0, (3) if the determinantof the Jacobian |JF(u,v,w)|=|(partial(F_1,F_2,F_3))/(partial(u,v,w))|!=0, ...
The indefinite summation operator Delta^(-1) for discrete variables, is the equivalent of integration for continuous variables. If DeltaY(x)=y(x), then Delta^(-1)y(x)=Y(x).
Three concurrent homologous lines pass respectively through three fixed points on the similitude circle which are known as the invariable points.