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The Borromean rings, also called the Borromean links (Livingston 1993, p. 10) are three mutually interlocked rings (left figure), named after the Italian Renaissance family ...
The second knot polynomial discovered. Unlike the first-discovered Alexander polynomial, the Jones polynomial can sometimes distinguish handedness (as can its more powerful ...
A specific type of ultraproduct that can be used to construct nonstandard universes and obtain the transfer principle as a corollary of Łoś' theorem for ultraproducts.
A composite knot is a knot that is not a prime knot. Schubert (1949) showed that every knot can be uniquely decomposed (up to the order in which the decomposition is ...
The Alexander polynomial is a knot invariant discovered in 1923 by J. W. Alexander (Alexander 1928). The Alexander polynomial remained the only known knot polynomial until ...
Any tangle obtained by additions and multiplications of rational tangles (Adams 1994).
An alternating knot is a knot which possesses a knot diagram in which crossings alternate between under- and overpasses. Not all knot diagrams of alternating knots need be ...
Let (X,tau) be a topological space, and let p in X. Then the arc component of p is union {A subset= X:A is an arc and p in A}.
On a computer screen, the pixels indicating a slanted line are selected with Bresenham's algorithm, developed in 1962 while at IBM.
The set closure St^_v of a star Stv at a vertex v of a simplicial complex K.
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