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Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. If h is one-to-one and onto, then it is a join-isomorphism if it preserves joins.
Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with Gödel number x, where (1) is normally omitted. Then if g is a partial recursive function, there exists an ...
A theorem, also called the iteration theorem, that makes use of the lambda notation introduced by Church. Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with ...
A knot invariant is a function from the set of all knots to any other set such that the function does not change as the knot is changed (up to isotopy). In other words, a ...
The mathematical study of knots. Knot theory considers questions such as the following: 1. Given a tangled loop of string, is it really knotted or can it, with enough ...
A tree with a finite number of branches at each fork and with a finite number of leaves at the end of each branch is called a finitely branching tree. König's lemma states ...
Landau (1911) proved that for any fixed x>1, sum_(0<|I[rho]|<=T)x^rho=-T/(2pi)Lambda(x)+O(lnT) as T->infty, where the sum runs over the nontrivial Riemann zeta function zeros ...
A lattice automorphism is a lattice endomorphism that is also a lattice isomorphism.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A lattice endomorphism is a mapping h:L->L that preserves both meets and joins.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A lattice isomorphism is a one-to-one and onto lattice homomorphism.
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