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The symbol int used to denote an integral intf(x)dx. The symbol was invented by Leibniz and chosen to be a stylized script "S" to stand for "summation."
A ring in which the zero ideal is an irreducible ideal. Every integral domain R is irreducible since if I and J are two nonzero ideals of R, and a in I, b in J are nonzero ...
Let A be a matrix with the elementary divisors of its characteristic matrix expressed as powers of its irreducible polynomials in the field F[lambda], and consider an ...
An integer kappa equal to 0 or 1 which vanishes iff the product manifold M^4×R can be given a smooth structure. Here, M^n is a compact connected topological four-manifold.
An algebraically soluble equation of odd prime degree which is irreducible in the natural field possesses either 1. Only a single real root, or 2. All real roots.
An algorithm for computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for large symmetric sparse matrices.
The ordinary differential equation y^('')+(1-|y|)y^'+y=0.
A line bundle is a special case of a vector bundle in which the fiber is either R, in the case of a real line bundle, or C, in the case of a complex line bundle.
The ring of integers of a number field K, denoted O_K, is the set of algebraic integers in K, which is a ring of dimension d over Z, where d is the extension degree of K over ...
Metamathematics is another word for proof theory. The branch of logic dealing with the study of the combination and application of mathematical symbols is also sometimes ...
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