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891 - 900 of 1392 for linear programmingSearch Results
The mathematical study of how to manipulate the parameters affecting the behavior of a system to produce the desired or optimal outcome.
A reciprocity theorem for the case n=3 solved by Gauss using "integers" of the form a+brho, when rho is a root of x^2+x+1=0 (i.e., rho equals -(-1)^(1/3) or (-1)^(2/3)) and ...
A schematic mathematical illustration showing the relationships between or properties of mathematical objects.
The invariance of domain theorem states that if f:M->N is a one-to-one and continuous map between n-manifolds without boundary, then f is an open map.
The Dürer graph is the skeleton of Dürer's solid, which is the generalized Petersen graph GP(6,2). It is illustrated above in a number of embeddings. It is implemented in the ...
Edge splitting is the reverse of edge contraction.
Given positive numbers s_a, s_b, and s_c, the Elkies point is the unique point Y in the interior of a triangle DeltaABC such that the respective inradii r_a, r_b, r_c of the ...
The derivative (deltaL)/(deltaq)=(partialL)/(partialq)-d/(dt)((partialL)/(partialq^.)) appearing in the Euler-Lagrange differential equation.
An event is a certain subset of a probability space. Events are therefore collections of outcomes on which probabilities have been assigned. Events are sometimes assumed to ...
The field axioms are generally written in additive and multiplicative pairs. name addition multiplication associativity (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) (ab)c=a(bc) commutativity a+b=b+a ...
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