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The kissing number of a sphere is 12. This led Fejes Tóth (1943) to conjecture that in any unit sphere packing, the volume of any Voronoi cell around any sphere is at least ...
The maximum possible weight of a fractional clique of a graph G is called the fractional clique number of G, denoted omega^*(G) (Godsil and Royle 2001, pp. 136-137) or ...
The Gibbs phenomenon is an overshoot (or "ringing") of Fourier series and other eigenfunction series occurring at simple discontinuities. It can be reduced with the Lanczos ...
de Rham's function is the function defined by the functional equations phi_alpha(1/2x) = alphaphi_alpha(x) (1) phi_alpha(1/2(x+1)) = alpha+(1-alpha)phi_alpha(x) (2) (Trott ...
The resolution principle, due to Robinson (1965), is a method of theorem proving that proceeds by constructing refutation proofs, i.e., proofs by contradiction. This method ...
A transpose of a doubly indexed object is the object obtained by replacing all elements a_(ij) with a_(ji). For a second-tensor rank tensor a_(ij), the tensor transpose is ...
A problem is assigned to the NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) class if it is solvable in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing machine. A P-problem (whose ...
A set of ascending sequences in a permutation is called a run (Graham et al. 1994) or sometimes a rise (Comtet 1974, p. 241). A sorted permutation consists of a single run, ...
There are a number of functions in various branches of mathematics known as Riemann functions. Examples include the Riemann P-series, Riemann-Siegel functions, Riemann theta ...
The theory of classifying problems based on how difficult they are to solve. A problem is assigned to the P-problem (polynomial-time) class if the number of steps needed to ...
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