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The concept of a space is an extremely general and important mathematical construct. Members of the space obey certain addition properties. Spaces which have been ...
Given five equal disks placed symmetrically about a given center, what is the smallest radius r for which the radius of the circular area covered by the five disks is 1? The ...
Is it possible to cover completely the surface of a sphere with congruent, nonoverlapping arcs of great circles? Conway and Croft (1964) proved that it can be covered with ...
What is the longest ladder that can be moved around a right-angled hallway of unit width? For a straight, rigid ladder, the answer is 2sqrt(2), which allows the ladder to ...
Given a circular table of diameter 9 feet, which is the minimal number of planks (each 1 foot wide and length greater than 9 feet) needed in order to completely cover the ...
A cubic map is three-colorable iff each interior region is bounded by an even number of regions. A non-cubic map bounded by an even number of regions is not necessarily ...
How can n points be distributed on a unit sphere such that they maximize the minimum distance between any pair of points? This maximum distance is called the covering radius, ...
An algebraic identity is a mathematical identity involving algebraic functions. Examples include the Euler four-square identity, Fibonacci identity, Lebesgue identity, and ...
The asterisk *, also called a "star," is used for a number of different purposed in mathematics. The most common usage is to denote multiplication so, for example, 2*3=2×3=6. ...
For a smooth harmonic map u:M->N, where del is the gradient, Ric is the Ricci curvature tensor, and Riem is the Riemann tensor.
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