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Synergetics coordinates are a set of triangular coordinates in their plane (or their generalization to tetrahedral coordinates in space, or the analogs in higher dimensions). ...
The cuboctahedron, also called the heptaparallelohedron or dymaxion (the latter according to Buckminster Fuller; Rawles 1997), is the Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{4}. ...
Place two solid spheres of radius 1/2 inside a hollow sphere of radius 1 so that the two smaller spheres touch each other at the center of the large sphere and are tangent to ...
Find a way to stack a square of cannonballs laid out on the ground into a square pyramid (i.e., find a square number which is also square pyramidal). This corresponds to ...
There are several definitions of the strength of a graph. Harary and Palmer (1959) and Harary and Palmer (1973, p. 66) define the strength of a tree as the maximum number of ...
The Kakeya needle problems asks for the plane figure of least area in which a line segment of width 1 can be freely rotated (where translation of the segment is also ...
There are many mathematical and recreational problems related to folding. Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, is one well-known example. It is possible to make a ...
A space-filling polyhedron is a polyhedron which can be used to generate a tessellation of space. Although even Aristotle himself proclaimed in his work On the Heavens that ...
There are four completely different definitions of the so-called Apollonius circles: 1. The set of all points whose distances from two fixed points are in a constant ratio ...
The convex hull of a set of points S in n dimensions is the intersection of all convex sets containing S. For N points p_1, ..., p_N, the convex hull C is then given by the ...
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