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The intersection Ev of the Gergonne line and the Euler line. It has triangle center function alpha=(b(a-b+c)cosB+c(a+b-c)cosC-2a^2cosA)/(2a) and is Kimberling center X_(1375).
If at least one solution can be determined for a given problem, a solution to that problem is said to exist. Frequently, mathematicians seek to prove the existence of ...
The degree (or relative degree, or index) of an extension field K/F, denoted [K:F], is the dimension of K as a vector space over F, i.e., [K:F]=dim_FK. If [K:F] is finite, ...
An extreme point of a subset K of a vector space X is an extreme set S of K which consists of a single point x in K. The collection of all extreme points of K is sometimes ...
The Diophantine equation x^n+y^n=z^n. The assertion that this equation has no nontrivial solutions for n>2 has a long and fascinating history and is known as Fermat's last ...
A group G is said to be finitely generated if there exists a finite set of group generators for G.
Let f(x) be a positive definite, measurable function on the interval (-infty,infty). Then there exists a monotone increasing, real-valued bounded function alpha(t) such that ...
The functional derivative is a generalization of the usual derivative that arises in the calculus of variations. In a functional derivative, instead of differentiating a ...
Consider two closed oriented space curves f_1:C_1->R^3 and f_2:C_2->R^3, where C_1 and C_2 are distinct circles, f_1 and f_2 are differentiable C^1 functions, and f_1(C_1) ...
A necessary and sufficient condition that there should exist at least one nondecreasing function alpha(t) such that mu_n=int_(-infty)^inftyt^ndalpha(t) for n=0, 1, 2, ..., ...
