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For a general two-player zero-sum game, max_(i<=m)min_(j<=n)a_(ij)<=min_(j<=n)max_(i<=m)a_(ij). If the two are equal, then write ...
A d-dimensional framework is a pair (G,p) where G=(V,E) is a graph with vertex set V and edge set E and p:V->R^d is a map that assigns a point in R^d to each vertex of G. The ...
For all n, there exists a k such that the kth term of the Goodstein sequence G_k(n)=0. In other words, every Goodstein sequence converges to 0. The secret underlying ...
The word "harmonic" has several distinct meanings in mathematics, none of which is obviously related to the others. Simple harmonic motion or "harmonic oscillation" refers to ...
In conical coordinates, Laplace's equation can be written ...
The Helmholtz differential equation in spherical coordinates is separable. In fact, it is separable under the more general condition that k^2 is of the form ...
The notion of an inverse is used for many types of mathematical constructions. For example, if f:T->S is a function restricted to a domain S and range T in which it is ...
The inverse limit of a family of R-modules is the dual notion of a direct limit and is characterized by the following mapping property. For a directed set I and a family of ...
A system of coordinates obtained by inversion of the oblate spheroids and one-sheeted hyperboloids in oblate spheroidal coordinates. The inverse oblate spheroidal coordinates ...
The Laplacian spectral radius of a finite graph is defined as the largest value of its Laplacian spectrum, i.e., the largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix (Lin et al. ...
