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The simplest interpretation of the Kronecker delta is as the discrete version of the delta function defined by delta_(ij)={0 for i!=j; 1 for i=j. (1) The Kronecker delta is ...
Given an m×n matrix A and a p×q matrix B, their Kronecker product C=A tensor B, also called their matrix direct product, is an (mp)×(nq) matrix with elements defined by ...
The Laplace distribution, also called the double exponential distribution, is the distribution of differences between two independent variates with identical exponential ...
The continuous distribution with parameters m and b>0 having probability and distribution functions P(x) = (e^(-(x-m)/b))/(b[1+e^(-(x-m)/b)]^2) (1) D(x) = 1/(1+e^(-(x-m)/b)) ...
All Mathieu functions have the form e^(irz)f(z), where f(z) has period 2pi and r is known as the Mathieu characteristic exponent. This exponent is returned by the Wolfram ...
A maximum spanning tree is a spanning tree of a weighted graph having maximum weight. It can be computed by negating the weights for each edge and applying Kruskal's ...
The Maxwell (or Maxwell-Boltzmann) distribution gives the distribution of speeds of molecules in thermal equilibrium as given by statistical mechanics. Defining a=sqrt(kT/m), ...
The word "median" has several different meanings in mathematics all related to the "middle" of mathematical objects. The statistical median is an order statistic that gives ...
The study of the inner structure of a mathematical theory considered as a whole. It deals with the general properties of the rules according to which the objects of a certain ...
Given a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^N, an n-moving average is a new sequence {s_i}_(i=1)^(N-n+1) defined from the a_i by taking the arithmetic mean of subsequences of n terms, ...
