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The function intx gives the integer part of x. In many computer languages, the function is denoted int(x). It is related to the floor and ceiling functions |_x_| and [x] by ...
An immediate consequence of a result already proved. Corollaries usually state more complicated theorems in a language simpler to use and apply.
This distribution is implemented in the Wolfram Language as InverseChiSquareDistribution[nu].
The Owen T-function is defined as T(x,a)=1/(2pi)int_0^a(e^(-x^2(1+t^2)/2))/(1+t^2)dt. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as OwenT[x, a]. A special value is given by ...
The Tits group is a group of order 17971200. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as TitsGroupT[].
The region lying between two concentric circles. The area of the annulus formed by two circles of radii a and b (with a>b) is A_(annulus)=pi(a^2-b^2). The annulus is ...
A bar graph is any plot of a set of data such that the number of data elements falling within one or more categories is indicated using a rectangle whose height or width is a ...
The number of binary bits necessary to represent a number, given explicitly by BL(n) = 1+|_lgn_| (1) = [lg(n+1)], (2) where [x] is the ceiling function, |_x_| is the floor ...
The chi distribution with n degrees of freedom is the distribution followed by the square root of a chi-squared random variable. For n=1, the chi distribution is a ...
Given a symmetric positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decomposition is an upper triangular matrix U with strictly positive diagonal entries such that A=U^(T)U. Cholesky ...
