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Two lines that lie on top of one another are called coincident lines.
An abbreviation for the cokernel.
The logarithm of the reciprocal of a number, equal to the negative of the logarithm of the number itself, cologx=log(1/x)=-logx.
An m×1 matrix [a_(11); a_(21); |; a_(m1)].
Combinatorial game theory is the theory of two-player games of perfect knowledge such as go, chess, or checkers.
The value of b, where a=b (mod m), taken to be nonnegative and smaller than m.
A ring is commutative if the multiplication operation is commutative.
Two algebraic objects that are commutative, i.e., A and B such that A*B=B*A for some operation *, are said to commute with each other.
The process of taking the complement of a set or truth function. In the latter case, complementation is equivalent to the NOT operation.
A surface which has no edges.
