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In the Wolfram Language, WignerD[{j, m ,n}, psi, theta, phi] gives the m×n matrix element of a (2j+1)-dimensional unitary representation of SU(2) parametrized by three Euler ...
Let phi(x_1,...,x_m) be an L_(exp) formula, where L_(exp)=L union {e^x} and L is the language of ordered rings L={+,-,·,<,0,1}. Then there exist n>=m and f_1,...,f_s in ...
The constant polynomial P(x)=0 whose coefficients are all equal to 0. The corresponding polynomial function is the constant function with value 0, also called the zero map. ...
An alternating group is a group of even permutations on a set of length n, denoted A_n or Alt(n) (Scott 1987, p. 267). Alternating groups are therefore permutation groups. ...
The area of a surface or lamina is the amount of material needed to "cover" it completely. The area of a surface or collection of surfaces bounding a solid is called, not ...
The Bernoulli distribution is a discrete distribution having two possible outcomes labelled by n=0 and n=1 in which n=1 ("success") occurs with probability p and n=0 ...
A general type of statistical distribution which is related to the gamma distribution. Beta distributions have two free parameters, which are labeled according to one of two ...
Given a set of n+1 control points P_0, P_1, ..., P_n, the corresponding Bézier curve (or Bernstein-Bézier curve) is given by C(t)=sum_(i=0)^nP_iB_(i,n)(t), where B_(i,n)(t) ...
The Cauchy distribution, also called the Lorentzian distribution or Lorentz distribution, is a continuous distribution describing resonance behavior. It also describes the ...
An n×n matrix whose rows are composed of cyclically shifted versions of a length-n list l. For example, the 4×4 circulant matrix on the list l={1,2,3,4} is given by C=[4 1 2 ...
