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The mean clustering coefficient of a graph G is the average of the local clustering coefficients of G. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The number of "arrangements" in an ordering of n items is given by either a combination (order is ignored) or a permutation (order is significant). An ordering (or order) is ...
The quotient of two polynomials p(x) and q(x), discarding any polynomial remainder. Polynomial quotients are implemented in the Wolfram Language as PolynomialQuotient[p, q, ...
The remainder R(x) obtained when dividing a polynomial p(x) by another polynomial q(x). The polynomial remainder is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A spherical shell is a generalization of an annulus to three dimensions. A spherical shell is therefore the region between two concentric spheres of differing radii. The ...
The height of a tree g is defined as the vertex height of its root vertex, where the vertex height of a vertex v in a tree g is the number of edges on the longest downward ...
The vertex count of a graph g, commonly denoted V(g) or |g|, is the number of vertices in g. In other words, it is the cardinality of the vertex set. The vertex count of a ...
The depth of a vertex v in a rooted tree as the number of edges from v to the root vertex. A function to return the depth of a vertex v in a tree g may be implemented in a ...
The vertex height of a vertex v in a rooted tree is the number of edges on the longest downward path between v and a tree leaf. The height of the root vertex of a rooted tree ...
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