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The Weibull distribution is given by P(x) = alphabeta^(-alpha)x^(alpha-1)e^(-(x/beta)^alpha) (1) D(x) = 1-e^(-(x/beta)^alpha) (2) for x in [0,infty), and is implemented in ...
If X_i for i=1, ..., m has a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector mu=0 and covariance matrix Sigma, and X denotes the m×p matrix composed of the row vectors X_i, ...
The Zipf distribution, sometimes referred to as the zeta distribution, is a discrete distribution commonly used in linguistics, insurance, and the modelling of rare events. ...
A permutation group is a finite group G whose elements are permutations of a given set and whose group operation is composition of permutations in G. Permutation groups have ...
The term "quotient" is most commonly used to refer to the ratio q=r/s of two quantities r and s, where s!=0. Less commonly, the term quotient is also used to mean the integer ...
If a matrix A has a matrix of eigenvectors P that is not invertible (for example, the matrix [1 1; 0 1] has the noninvertible system of eigenvectors [1 0; 0 0]), then A does ...
For two polynomials P_1(x)=a_mx^m+...+a_0 and P_2=b_nx^n+...+b_0 of degrees m and n, respectively, the Sylvester matrix is an (m+n)×(m+n) matrix formed by filling the matrix ...
When the index nu is real, the functions J_nu(z), J_nu^'(z), Y_nu(z), and Y_nu^'(z) each have an infinite number of real zeros, all of which are simple with the possible ...
The arc set of a directed graph is the set of all arcs (directed edges) of the graph. The arc set for a directed graph g is given in the Wolfram Language by EdgeList[g].
An arithmetic progression, also known as an arithmetic sequence, is a sequence of n numbers {a_0+kd}_(k=0)^(n-1) such that the differences between successive terms is a ...
