
Search Results for "language"

1111 - 1120 of 13135 for languageSearch Results
A^n+B^n=sum_(j=0)^(|_n/2_|)(-1)^jn/(n-j)(n-j; j)(AB)^j(A+B)^(n-2j), where |_x_| is the floor function and (n; k) is a binomial coefficient.
Solving the wave equation on a disk gives a solution in terms of Bessel functions.
A surface represented parametrically by elliptic functions.
A finite division algebra is a field.
A function w(x) used to normalize orthogonal functions int[f_n(x)]^2w(x)dx=N_n.
A three-dimensional surface with constant vector field on its boundary which traps at least one trajectory which enters it.
The geometric centroid of a quadrilateral lamina is the center of its Wittenbauer's parallelogram.
A method of constructing uniform polyhedra.
Half a zip-pair.
An h-cobordism is a bordism W between two manifolds M_1 and M_2 such that W is simply connected and the inclusion maps M_1->W and M_2->W are homotopy equivalences.
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