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If s_x is the standard deviation of a set of samples x_i and x^_ their mean, then the variation coefficient is defined as V=(s_x)/(x^_).
The magnitude (length) of a vector x=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) is given by |x|=sqrt(x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_n^2).
If the first nonzero component of the vector difference A-B is >0, then A≻B. If the first nonzero component of A-B is <0, then A≺B.
Vector subtraction is the process of taking a vector difference, and is the inverse operation to vector addition.
The symbol v variously means "disjunction" (i.e., OR in logic) or "join" (for a lattice).
The vertex connectivity kappa(G) of a graph G, also called "point connectivity" or simply "connectivity," is the minimum size of a vertex cut, i.e., a vertex subset S subset= ...
Oriented in an up-down position.
A function f(x) has a vertical tangent line at x_0 if f is continuous at x_0 and lim_(x->x_0)f^'(x)=+/-infty.
In the American system, 10^(63).
The generalization of a Voronoi polygon to n dimensions for n>2.
