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A normal distribution with mean 0, P(x)=h/(sqrt(pi))e^(-h^2x^2). (1) The characteristic function is phi(t)=e^(-t^2/(4h^2)). (2) The mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis ...
Given a general second tensor rank tensor A_(ij) and a metric g_(ij), define theta = A_(ij)g^(ij)=A_i^i (1) omega^i = epsilon^(ijk)A_(jk) (2) sigma_(ij) = ...
The log-series distribution, also sometimes called the logarithmic distribution (although this work reserves that term for a distinct distribution), is the distribution of ...
The logarithmic distribution is a continuous distribution for a variate X in [a,b] with probability function P(x)=(lnx)/(b(lnb-1)-a(lna-1)) (1) and distribution function ...
Let E and F be paired spaces with S a family of absolutely convex bounded sets of F such that the sets of S generate F and, if B_1,B_2 in S, there exists a B_3 in S such that ...
For an infinite population with mean mu, variance sigma^2, skewness gamma_1, and kurtosis excess gamma_2, the corresponding quantities for the distribution of means are ...
The integral phi(t,u)=int(e^(piitx^2+2piiux))/(e^(2piix)-1)dx which is related to the Jacobi theta functions, mock theta functions, Riemann zeta function, and Siegel theta ...
Let N be a nilpotent, connected, simply connected Lie group, and let D be a discrete subgroup of N with compact right quotient space. Then N/D is called a nilmanifold.
The set of elements g of a group such that g^(-1)Hg=H, is said to be the normalizer N_G(H) with respect to a subset of group elements H. If H is a subgroup of G, N_G(H) is ...
Let A be a finite-dimensional power-associative algebra, then A is the vector space direct sum A=A_(11)+A_(10)+A_(01)+A_(00), where A_(ij), with i,j=0,1 is the subspace of A ...