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Let X be a set of urelements, and let V(X) be the superstructure with X as its set of individuals. Let kappa be a cardinal number. An enlargement V(^*X) is kappa-saturated ...
The process of finding a reduced set of basis vectors for a given lattice having certain special properties. Lattice reduction algorithms are used in a number of modern ...
An integer is k-smooth if it has no prime factors >k. The following table gives the first few k-smooth numbers for small k. Berndt (1994, p. 52) called the 7-smooth numbers ...
Discrete Mathematics
The q-binomial coefficient is a q-analog for the binomial coefficient, also called a Gaussian coefficient or a Gaussian polynomial. A q-binomial coefficient is given by [n; ...
A function f(x) is said to have bounded variation if, over the closed interval x in [a,b], there exists an M such that |f(x_1)-f(a)|+|f(x_2)-f(x_1)|+... +|f(b)-f(x_(n-1))|<=M ...
The number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities. Also known as the binomial coefficient or choice number and read "n choose k," _nC_k=(n; ...
A topological space decomposes into its connected components. The connectedness relation between two pairs of points satisfies transitivity, i.e., if a∼b and b∼c then a∼c. ...
An equalizer of a pair of maps f,g:X->Y in a category is a map e:E->X such that 1. f degreese=g degreese, where degrees denotes composition. 2. For any other map e^':E^'->X ...
When referring to a planar object, "free" means that the object is regarded as capable of being picked up out of the plane and flipped over. As a result, mirror images are ...
