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If R is a ring (commutative with 1), the height of a prime ideal p is defined as the supremum of all n so that there is a chain p_0 subset ...p_(n-1) subset p_n=p where all ...
The second, or diamond, group isomorphism theorem, states that if G is a group with A,B subset= G, and A subset= N_G(B), then (A intersection B)⊴A and AB/B=A/A intersection ...
A theorem in set theory stating that, for all sets A and B, the following equivalences hold, A subset B<=>A intersection B=A<=>A union B=B.
A function element is an ordered pair (f,U) where U is a disk D(Z_0,r) and f is an analytic function defined on U. If W is an open set, then a function element in W is a pair ...
Let C=C^+ union C^- (where C^+ intersection C^-=emptyset) be the disjoint union of two finite components C^+ and C^-. Let alpha and beta be two involutions on C, each of ...
Let A:D(A)->H and B:D(B)->H be linear operators from domains D(A) and D(B), respectively, into a Hilbert space H. It is said that B extends A if D(A) subset D(B) and if Bv=Av ...
A regular surface M subset R^n is called orientable if each tangent space M_p has a complex structure J_p:M_p->M_p such that p->J_p is a continuous function.
X subset= R^n is semianalytic if, for all x in R^n, there is an open neighborhood U of x such that X intersection U is a finite Boolean combination of sets {x^_ in ...
Let G be a group having normal subgroups H and K with H subset= K. Then K/H⊴G/H and (G/H)/(K/H)=G/K, where N⊴G indicates that N is a normal subgroup of G and G=H indicates ...
Let X_1,X_2 subset P^2 be cubic plane curves meeting in nine points p_1, ..., p_9. If X subset P^2 is any cubic containing p_1, ..., p_8, then X contains p_9 as well. It is ...
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