
Search Results for "k Subset"

101 - 110 of 499 for k SubsetSearch Results
Given a subset S subset R^n and a point x in S, the contingent cone K_S(x) at x with respect to S is defined to be the set K_S(x)={h:d_S^-(x;h)=0} where d_S^- is the upper ...
A fibered category F over a topological space X consists of 1. a category F(U) for each open subset U subset= X, 2. a functor i^*:F(U)->F(V) for each inclusion i:V↪U, and 3. ...
Let F and G be fibered categories over a topological space X. A morphism phi:F->G of fibered categories consists of: 1. a functor phi(U):F->G(U) for each open subset U ...
A subset G subset R of the real numbers is said to be a G_delta set provided G is the countable intersection of open sets. The name G_delta comes from German: The G stands ...
Given a subset S subset R^n and a real function f which is Gâteaux differentiable at a point x in S, f is said to be pseudoconvex at x if del f(x)·(y-x)>=0,y in ...
A "weird number" is a number that is abundant (i.e., the sum of proper divisors is greater than the number) without being pseudoperfect (i.e., no subset of the proper ...
An edge-induced subgraph is a subset of the edges of a graph G together with any vertices that are their endpoints. The subgraph induced by a set of edges can be computed in ...
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be meager if E is of first category in S, i.e., if E can be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere dense ...
Let G be a graph and S a subgraph of G. Let the number of odd components in G-S be denoted S^', and |S| the number of graph vertices of S. The condition |S|>=S^' for every ...
A barrel solid of revolution composed of parallel circular top and bottom with a common axis and a side formed by a smooth curve symmetrical about the midplane. The term also ...
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